Sunday, December 25, 2011


Merry Christmas everyone :)


   I have cake
   and carols
   and fairy lights 
   around the Christmas tree.

   You can keep the mistletoe 
   around your waist
   as your license to screw.
   Fuck you, my love
   because for me, this Christmas,
  A glass of wine will do.



    The lights fell in shadows

    Upon a wall: 

    Garish pink and electric blue.
    And above them all
    A figure lay
    Asleep or dead or worse.
    The bottle rolled innocently by
    Like it had no share
    in the blame, no purpose.

    In the shadows it drooped:
    The plastic holly.
   'Twas the season
    To be jolly.


Saturday, December 17, 2011


Okay, so it's been a two month long hiatus and we really do hope you missed us (leave us a comment, it feels nice :P). If you are one of those who like to down one shot after another, you are in for a treat. This holiday season, we plan to get you drunk!

But there is got to be some element of fun, right? Let's see if you can remember our styles, go on, tell who wrote what!

Bottoms up :)

I followed you
Through the heads
And tails
That chance begets.
Found you
In strangers' beds,
Spread eagled
Your face and eyes on fire
And your mouth twisted
In an upside down smile
Knowing I was there.

I soak in the shapes
That your body makes
As you stretch fluidly
Chasing away the strain.

My eyes follow you obsessively
While my hands and lips are left 
As I wait
And desire abates
And I try to forget
How much I want you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011



(I promise to be true to you,
In good times and in bad,
In sickness and in health.
I will love you
And honour you
For all the days of my life)*

*Conditions Apply.


I know there will be
Another time.
The tables will have turned:
Your heart will be on the line.

And I know only because
Among all the whispers that night,
You didn't give me your word.
But I gave you mine.


Monday, August 1, 2011



An inch separates them
But parallel lines never meet.


You throw a fit
over the colours

that have spilled
and run amok
all over the page.

But the fault's not all mine;
You left me no lines
To colour inside
Or hide behind.


Sunday, July 24, 2011


Word-ka Shots enthusiast, Riddhi Mewada pushed us to "Jump". Being the dashingly, reckless word-nerds we are, we just got on a ledge and decided to take the plunge.  


It kept growing
Rising from the ground
First a threshold, then a wall
We could have still leapt over
But it was a narrow lane
With clearly defined lines
that I crossed
and waited
But you didn’t…


This time just make sure
a parachute's got your back.


Sunday, July 10, 2011


They will tell you

Then wonder why you flinch.

They don't know about the open wounds;
There is so much they don't know.


A little more
Or a little less
Will always catch you off guard.

If it was just right
you wouldn't even notice.


Thursday, June 16, 2011


Not that devious grin in your eyes,
Or the way your nose is almost crooked,
Or that perfect up turned smile,

But on the edge of your lips-
Sloppy blotches of it told me
I had fallen head over heels for you.


A few drops from the vial
And I watched it change
From clear water in a pan
To something deeper
Capable of dark things.
It twinkled innocently
And we served it
To so many
With meatballs and spaghetti


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


She opened the irresistible urn,
And her gifts left her,
Escaped from her grasp, all of them.

Yet, in the space that now seemed empty,
One voice remained,
It spoke to her (and will speak to you).
When all seemed lost,
Pandora had Hope.


Endless clatter
As the bed knocks into
the hostel's standard sized study table.
Our bodies are held together
By utter chaos.
And our minds glued
By absolute nothing.

Empty vessels
Make more love.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Word-ka Shots decided to bring in a guest-writer this week. Our reader, Nikita D'Cruz, is quite the writer herself and turned out to be just the perfect sized lemon wedge to give the Shots a fresh new twist! Presenting this week's theme, Jason's chosen one: SECRET. 

Conference call activated...
Curious greetings... shushes
Insight has traveled faster than sound
Three expectant patient ears
Listen to some throat clearing
And then, the obvious is declared...
Collective breath intake,
Then loud laughter, hoots
Out of place comments
The embarrassed caller giggles
‘I’ll call you guys later. And yea...’
‘Of course we won’t’.
Four final smiles.
Love exchanged. Of the strongest kind
Beep. Call ended.

-Nikita D'Cruz

Its warm, moist smell
Attracts flies
I try to wave them aside
With the palm of my hand
But they sniff
That sticky-sweet on my fingers
And know.
Or do they?

-Nikita Deshpande

Monday, March 28, 2011


the blue ballerina
spins around her star
and turns out
day and night
on an invisible line
stretched across the sky

she trembles once a while
but goes on.

maybe because
she loves the star
maybe because she loves to dance
or maybe
because her/our/all life depends on it.


This time I walk away.
Something pulls me by the arm
And says
Not love
Not this time
And I listen
Not because its you
But Because I'm looking
The other way.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hazy and halting breaths,
Have never said so much before,
As when you came to leave me.
Standing at the door, 
Almost saying- Don't go. 
You said, "You're leaving?"

Words had lost their place,
In this space,
Like dead flowers,
That were kept but forgotten.
While the rotten-
Yellow stains on the pages 
Will later say- I,
Was the one who walked away,
When you were the one,
Who never asked me to stay. 


powdered sunlight
on your morning face
like somebody smeared
turmeric on your cheeks
and held them up in a smile,
lifting you by the chin
from a dollop of thick, delicious honey-some sleep

something tells will be good.


Monday, January 24, 2011


Word-ka Shots reader Sivakami Sivakumar served us a heady little one. But we're upto an old trick of ours. Guess which piece belongs to whom. We haven't put our names on them. Again.

Drink up, lovely people...

... they gave me
...a magician’s hat...
or something black coarse velvet…
I was told… no, it was whispered…
“pull out a dream…”

I reached in… deep- 
into the coarse black velvet…
first hand… then head… then knees…
but somewhere… in its slimy gullet…
I dug my heels in…

and with a retching movement
I woke up
resenting my abysmal magic skills.

Talking to you
is like riding a unicycle.
On a tightrope.

With a barking dog.
At each end.

Six long stemmed glasses
on a tray.
In one hand.

And 4 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica
in the other.
As an ostrich feather
vacantly tickles
my left heel.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Ahem, Word-ka Shots needs YOU. Suggest a one word theme for our coming round of shots. If we know you, we'll reward you suitably. In kind.
If we don't, well... there's always the internet ;-)
And now, After...

I stand three steps after you
stretching and
afraid of the light 
dancing around you
in circles
I surround you
in darkness

and then sometimes
when fate conspires
we stand together as one.


the debris of paper plates
was cleaned,
and the wooden chairs were
stacked, packed and sent,
the star shaped lanterns
were pulled out from the sky;
and Mrs. Karmarkar from B 101
through a mouthful of chocolate cake
promished hershelf:
i'm naevwer makin the resholution agenn.
