Tuesday, May 31, 2011


She opened the irresistible urn,
And her gifts left her,
Escaped from her grasp, all of them.

Yet, in the space that now seemed empty,
One voice remained,
It spoke to her (and will speak to you).
When all seemed lost,
Pandora had Hope.


Endless clatter
As the bed knocks into
the hostel's standard sized study table.
Our bodies are held together
By utter chaos.
And our minds glued
By absolute nothing.

Empty vessels
Make more love.



  1. @Jason- beautiful, wise, short and perfect!
    @Nik- love the feel of it! love how u could create tht on paper!

  2. Finally! You two took your time with this round, didn't you?! :P
    Jase- Lovely one.... :)
    Nik- You cheeky thing ;)

  3. *taking a bow* we apologise for the tardiness :p

  4. @Jason: Again, sliver of hope. How well, you do it!
    @Nik: I laughed so hard at the last line! I love you!
