Saturday, December 11, 2010


His words were like glass,
clear, but transparent.
He said he would come back for you,
And you wait-
holding that solid line,
Like a piece of glass,
In your hands.

Your grip grows tighter,
with each passing moment.


Those dreams were made of stained glass
You saw through them at once
While I could only see
pretty squares
in colored shadows on the floor.
And my own
highly colored self
into f|o|u|r.



  1. Nikita:I LOVE your interpretation here..It is SO very deep and nice!!

  2. @jason - love the lsat two lines
    @nikita - the concept is very unique and beautiful too

  3. Thanks guys, we need your feedback.

    @ Manasi: Its the kinda thing that happens to all of us at some point in time, isn't it?
    @ Pari: Jason's writing has that intensity. Much like the pain from cut glass. Hits the right vein.

  4. @Jason: Exactly what you said, the intensity, like the pain from cut glass. Love.
    @Nik: I don't get it.
