Thursday, December 30, 2010


with your nonsense
and your pretentious affairs
about whatevers on your list
about how you care
telling everyone what you did and where
and about how you climbed mount everest
after saving orphaned ducklings
from chinese cooks with cleavers


bulbs of water drip from the tap as I…
Q. 25. Define Trachea
A trachea
R. four benches ahead. white shirt.
is a
membranous tube with cartilaginous rings
rings of curls bend into his head
that conveys inhaled air
from the larynx to the bronchi
straight to my heart

I rush to scribble: 
membranous white tube with curly rings that conveys inhaled sighs from the larynx to the heart.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I have tasted nectar-
in my dreams,

And been denied it,
when I was awake.

Is it my fault then
that I keep dreaming?


With glee in her yellow,
bulbous eyes
Miss Emerald Pistawalla 
(M.A., English Hons.)
watches me:
a delicious prey among a herd of students
that accurately feign attention.
I alone have not Donne,
Plath or Frost.

She licks her lips
and thinks up a luscious new punishment.


Saturday, December 11, 2010


His words were like glass,
clear, but transparent.
He said he would come back for you,
And you wait-
holding that solid line,
Like a piece of glass,
In your hands.

Your grip grows tighter,
with each passing moment.


Those dreams were made of stained glass
You saw through them at once
While I could only see
pretty squares
in colored shadows on the floor.
And my own
highly colored self
into f|o|u|r.


Monday, December 6, 2010


In keeping with the theme for this week, we decided to make some trouble.
Both our pieces are up. But we're not telling you which is which. Have a guess, won't you? :)

Words fly from our mouths
like we knew
all along
that we would meet here
this time, this place.
Like waves on sand,
we move back and forth;
our hearts desire
different things though.

Trouble is on
the tip of your tongue.
Is it a wonder then
that I refused a taste?

She tip-toed across the hallway,
Cautiously passed her parents room,
Snuck past grandma, snoring in her chair...
Then, craftily maneuvering 
the creaky stairs-
She almost reached the door when- 

The vase falls to the floor.

And purring at her heels is
Mommy's 'new' little angel.
Adorable, but aptly named!