Tuesday, June 19, 2012


We're back!
And we haven't changed one bit. Its time to guess which one of us wrote which piece. 

Each time
she throws
her crown of thorns
and hits the nail
on the perfect spot
I spread myself
on a wooden cross.
And promise
Never to come back.

I left my reflection
in the empty house
above the wash-basin
behind closed doors.

I set out
not quite myself
never knowing
emptiness could follow
and drag me back
and smugly say-
welcome home.


  1. I am just so happy reading it.... You guys are wonderful. :)

    My guess is nik is on the left. Jason on the right

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i think its nik on the right
    once again, beautifully written!

  4. Ok, I'm getting increasingly lousy at this, but I'm going to guess anyway. Nik on the left, Jason right. I love the one on the left a teensy bit more than the other. I can appreciate it from a distance. I love the one on the right in an entirely different way, and I also hate it a little, because it speaks to me, reminds me of me and haunts me.

  5. Nik on the left and Jason on the right. The pieces have a very eerie feel to them as if they have emerged from a deep void within. Dark and beautiful.

  6. Okay, to end the suspensei It's Nikita with the Christ references and Jason, haunted by mirrors.
    Hope you enjoyed them :)

  7. i agree with anonymous


  8. *Gasp!* I was actually right, for once? Always a first time :-)
